Don’t pee on my parade.   Leave a comment

When making decisions in life, big decisions, I have a method. I think about it far too much, decide, pray about it (even though in my mind I have a choice), discuss it with my husband and then think about it some more. This isn’t the perfect system and truly it works better than it sounds like it might. I have on occasion ending up changing my mind but for the most part if I feel it to be true and good for me and my family. I do it.

This past week I made a big decision. BUT this blog isn’t about that. It’s about not letting people pee on your parade.

Sometimes we make these big decisions, are happy with our choice, find peace in the chaos of life, and then someone comes along and pees all over your parade of happiness.

I know people are generally well meaning and when it’s people you love you want to take the things they say to heart. Sometimes you can’t. It’s that simple. Sometimes the best tensioned comments, concerns, warnings, or other unsolicited advice are the things that make you feel the worst about your life choices.

I’m a think and a planner. My husband is a deep thinker and kind of planner. So, when I say we’ve been thinking about something, planning it, praying about it, and trying to find the best road for us, I mean it. I like to have things generally planned out. Yes, I know that plans don’t always work and truly I’m glad because that make life interesting, but I also know I need a rough idea of how things will be.

The other day my husband and I began telling our friends and family that I would not be returning to work in January and that we would become a single car/single income family. For some reason this news was not well received by all and the parade peeing began.

People want us to be happy successful individuals and yet they don’t always know what makes us truly happy and successful. I have found that I am most happy when I can help someone learn something new and this is when I feel most successful. That being said, working in education isn’t about teaching someone to do something. Unfortunately, some days it feels like I am a glorified babysitter and not an educator.

My goal in life is to be the best version of myself each day. I had hoped this revelation and new direction for life would be met with joy and happiness. I had myself convinced that those around me would recognize my decision as one from the heart.

To wrap up this little insight into my life, when someone tells you the are doing something new or different don’t meet them with what an idiot they are, unless they have decided to become the next Walter White or Jack the Ripper. Encourage change, encourage life and living it in a way that makes them feel alive, worthy, and fulfilled. Again, if they are wanting to do something awful like sell drugs, murder people, or become drug addict, you should probably stop them from doing those things.

Live a life of love. These are wise words.

Posted December 13, 2014 by suttle121 in Family, Humor

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